Thursday, October 20, 2011

Running Short

Short of...

Daylight.  There is no longer long, leisurely days of enjoying the sun and green of summer.  The days are getting short, the nights are cold and the leaves are nearly all on the ground.  That doesn't change anything about the amount of work that still needs to get done.  It actually increases it.  Now, on top of all the regular chores, there is the fall clean-up and preparing for winter to do.

Two days ago Husband started the annual "Planting of the Garlic".  Actually, last year the "annual" part was interrupted and we had to buy new seed stock this year.  My father-in-law had cancer and passed away at the time we should have been planting.  It was more sad to lose him, of course, but not having our 8-years' work of seed stock gone was very sad too.  Life is unpredictable that way though.  But the garlic is nearly done, and then he can get back out to help me finish my chicken house and get the birds in so they can be warm and cozy again.  Okay, so maybe they won't be that cozy since it has 4 big windows that will remain open all winter.  They will be healthier for it though, I am certain.

The garden did not get the attention needed to produce a harvest.  In other words, I grew a great weed patch this summer.  My chickens and ducks are really enjoying the 5-foot tall grass that has grown up all over in there.  I sent Middle in today to collect all the supports and cages I put in when I planted last spring.  I sure hope next year is better.  It couldn't get any worse.  I will say though, Sunflowers did wonderfully this year.  That is probably because they grew anywhere from 7 to 12-feet tall and were way above the weeds.

Daughter is pressing us to have our traditional leaf ride for her.  Every year except last year since we have lived here, we have collect leaves on a huge tarp and pulled the kids around on it with the lawn tractor.  The boys have outgrown it, but Daughter is still trying to hold onto those things we have done with them as little kids.  The tough things about doing this leaf ride is that 1.)  they are Silver Maples, so the leaves, if we use the mower, just disintegrate; and 2.) the wind has already blown most of the leaves away.  Let's not forget to mention the 70 asparagus plants and the 2 huge raised beds of garlic that now take up half the front lawn that used to be where we pulled the leaf tarp.  Just one more thing for her to be disappointed about.  It makes me feel bad, but at the same time. there has been a lot going on in the way of work and projects this year.

As much as I want to keep rambling, I will have to pick up with a second part next time.  The day has ended for me, and still I could fill the night with work as well, but that just wouldn't be a good thing.


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