Wednesday, May 11, 2011

I Am Getting There

I have been working on my duck hutch for 3 days now.  Well, really about 1 1/2 because they were only half days.  I have it close.  I have to put siding on three sides still and put the purlins and the roof on, and make the two doors.  It rained a little today while I was working, but not enough to send me packing up my tools.
It is so funny, but this is a duck hutch, and the chickens are all over it!  They love to roost on the frame, I can't blame them, it is a good vantage point for them to watch things.  My big rooster, Dumbledore (soon to be Dinner) watches from a safe distance.  He is such a booger.  He comes charging up behind me when I am carrying out feed to them, and ducks under the bucket, bumping my leg, then wants to challenge me.  He must have never heard that old saying, "Never attack the human who feeds you."  or something like that ; )  Especially while she feeds you.  Daughter has to carry a stick with her when she goes out or he comes after her.  I told her to not be afraid of hurting him, he is tough.  I may have to put him in chicken jail and let him chill out.
The weather is sweltering.  The kids were complaining that 'We HAVE  to get A/C."  Well, I lived my entire childhood without it, so I think they can last one more summer.  I would love to have air and humidity control in the house, but it is just wishful thinking at the moment.  One day we will have something better.
My doggies need baths and to be clipped once again.  Now that the weather is getting warm, so are they, and Zeke still had his winter coat on.  They must be bathed first, and that may happen when I get done here.
My other dogs (feet) are tired and need a good soaking.  Maybe tomorrow will be the day the duckies get to move outside for good.


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