Wednesday, March 2, 2011

I Hate To Rush

I do, I hate to be rushed and I hate for things to move along too quickly.  Winter this year is an exception, I am SO ready for it to be over with.  The sad thing is this: We want the season to end, which if it happens quickly means that the perception of time is speeding up.  A second is still a second and a minute is still 60 seconds and so, but how we perceive the passage of time speeds up as we get older.  Mind you, I do NOT want to go back in time to when I was a kid or a teenage (insert a scream here), or even a young adult (had so much to learn about life then).  But time does seem to pass by quicker and quicker as we age, and especially so when we have kids.  Funny though, we say things like, "God, I can't wait until he gets through this phase!", or "I sure hope this passes quickly."  But do we?  I am not enjoying some of the uglier sides of Eldest being a teenager, but I look at what a good person he is becoming otherwise and I don't want that to walk out the door and into adulthood too fast, do I?    I want to savor the good things about being a mom while they are still here, to enjoy some laughter and fun and seeing them learn and grow before my eyes.  I know that soon it will be gone, or perceivably soon.  So, really, I don't want the season to hurry up and end because I know it will mean that I am one season older and my children are one season closer to leaving the nest.  It means that I am one season closer to getting off this ride called life, and I don't want to rush that.  When we are kids life seems like such a long, long road and we can't wait to grow up and do this that or the other thing.  But the truth is, once we get to be a grown up, it all goes way too fast.
So, I hate to rush.  I want to savor life and not just work through it.  I want to laugh and smell flowers and taste chocolate and have long kisses with the man I love.  I want to sit and hold my children in my arms and remember the way they smelled and felt when they were babies.  I want to watch the grass grow and flowers bloom and baby chicks and bunnies and puppies be born and grow and play.  I don't want to rush my life by and in the end look back and think, "It all happened so fast, I wish I would have...".


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