There was so much to get done this last year, and we did most of it. Some of it got forgotten and some is still on our list of Things To Do, but we accomplished much.
Hubby spent a lot of time away from home and it looks like 2012 will be no different. The company downsizing and losing some employees has made his job more secure, but sometimes I wish he could find a new line of work. I miss him.
My two boys have both grown so much and have gone way passed me already.
Well, the chicken house is not done yet, but thanks to the long fall and warm winter so far, I have gotten much done that I might not have if we had normal temps.
I just finished pens 7 and 8 done tonight and birds moved into them. They are happier and less crowded. I will be able to start collecting eggs to hatch soon, that is if they will get laying and quit poking around about it. I have yet to put lights in to get them going again, but slowly I am getting eggs again. They needed a break, but now it is time to start cranking them out.
I got 2 portable coops up off the ground where I don't have to worry about mice and rats getting in them. Face it, if you have as many chickens and ducks and turkeys as I have, there are bound to be rodents coming around.
I counted the other day, and I have roughly 125 chickens right now. That breaks down to 13 Standard Breeds/Varieties, and 8 Bantams Breeds/Varieties. I have some crossbreeds too that are not part of that count, those are just the ones I am breeding pure.
I still have 6 Pekin ducks and 1 Welsh Harlequin. I was hoping to get rid of the WH drake with his two 'brothers', but someone just wanted 2. So, I may be stuck with this guy until I can find someone to take him or until I can get him butchered. The Pekins are well passed the point of when I wanted to get them butchered. I was so busy this fall that by the time I got around to calling to have them processed, my guy closed up for winter already. I called around, but with no luck. So, if I want them butchered, I am going to have to do it myself. I told Hubby and Middle that since they are the ones wanting to eat duck, they need to help me get them processed. Hubby said, "Oh." Middle said, "NO WAY!! I am not killing the ducks!" Well, I told him that it didn't mean HE had to do the killing, but he could help with the plucking and gutting. He didn't like that either but conceded to help. Now, to get it all ready and do it before the weather really turns cold here.
I also have to blood test all of my chickens and I don't want to do that when it is below freezing and have everything freeze on me.
We have been SO SO SO lucky with the weather though!!!
Middle is still bummed about not having snow to go snowboarding, but at least he isn't carrying on about it every day all day long like he was.
I have gotten orders started for chicks and eggs. I am excited about the prospects of what this year will be with my hatchery starting out. I need to get in and finish the inside of the brooder house before I start putting eggs in to incubate. I will need to raise about 130 birds for myself, maybe more so I can pick some better (hopefully) breeders for next year. Maybe I will do more than that, we will see how things go. I know spring time is going to mean more fencing and digging a pond and getting a proper shelter for ducks up so I can keep some over winter without a huge hassle.
Of course, spring is going to mean gardening too. This year, if we can get all the preparations done, we are hoping to replace our old ailing farmhouse too. So, 2012 is going to be another busy one. But if all we do is sit around, that isn't living.
May all of you have a wonderful New Year!
Til next time....
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