Friday, July 29, 2011

Baby Steps

Yes, baby steps.  It is what I feel like I am taking toward getting projects done here.  Alas, there are steps at least.  I did get some boards cut tonight.  I will get more tomorrow so that I can get the pens in the big chicken house done and get my birds in there to live.  Then there is the painting of the
 boards, and there is the laying of the linoleum.  Then building of the nest boxes and the doors for the chickens to go in and out.  Really exciting stuff, huh?

I started letting my juvenile birds, almost grown and the girls almost to breeding age, out onto pasture this week.  They love it, of course.  There is room to flap and run and plenty of grass to peck and bugs to eat.  Who or what wouldn't enjoy that kind of freedom after being cooped up the first few months of their life?  I hate penning them, it seems sad, but it is not to be mean or anything of the sort.  It is for their protection from things that would eat them for a late night snack.  So, after their romping around, they go back into the pen at night and get locked in for the night.

I have this one very tiny pullet (girl chicken under 1 year of age, ask Daughter, she can quote it to me ;) ).  This pullet is a Bantam Modern Game chicken.  She is the cutest little thing, but is about the size of a Robin with extra long legs.  I didn't intend to get this breed, but as luck would have it, I got her with a mix of chicks that I needed to keep a lone hatcher company last winter.  Of course, being tiny, and sweet and cute, and the only one of her kind in the flock, everyone loves her.  Her name is Birchy, so called because her color (or variety) is Birchen - black body with yellow/gold around her neck.  She really is funny to comprehend as being a chicken.  She spends most of her time in the feed can or on top of waterer.  I got out to check on things or feed them and she is right there cheaping away.  She doesn't even sound like a chicken.

I had to smile, a big mommy, warmed my heart kind of smile the other day, or should I say about 3 weeks ago?  Daughter had to go out and play with the momma broody hen and her little chicks.  We had to pull them from the pen with the other adult birds because they were pecking at the poor little chickies.  We started her in a fold-up puppy pen
 where she bawked, and clucked, and showed them how to drink and scratch and peck around in the grass and dirt.  I looked out from the kitchen window to see... me?  No, but I immediately thought, she is just like me when I was her age:  In her boots, blue jeans, sitting in the pen with baby animals.  It is so funny how in an instance you can get flung back 36-years to "when".  Wow! 
At night we put Momma and babies into the cage on the right and set them in the garage for safe keeping.  I finally decided it was time the chicks joined the others their age and Momma did the same.  She probably won't lay eggs for a little while yet, but she is back to being a grown up.  Does that make her and  empty nester?

We picked out the birds the kids are going to take to the fair, or intend to take.  I don't know, some don't have feathers yet in places they should.  We had to get them later than intended due to incubation difficulties.  They have something to take, we just aren't expecting Grand Champion this year.

So, it is late once again.  The house is quiet where I am the last to head to bed.  It is my favorite part of the day.  I must rest though, tomorrow is building of chicken domiciles and information booth for the fair.  Since it is to rain the following day, or so I see online, I better get things done outside tomorrow, or is it today?  Yikes, 1 A.M.

I bid you ado.


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