Thursday, February 24, 2011

Silly Silly Featherheads

I just went out to see what the heck the birds were chasing each other for. hmm  I saw one of the Splash girls running with something in her beak, but I could not tell what it was. D  Now, mind you, the only things out there are snow, straw and mash, plus whatever shavings haven't been poopified yet.  sickbyc  I was worried someone was eating a fresh laid egg.  he I got out there and the chase was over. 
But as I rounded the corner of the brooder house, I caught a glance of the hole in the corner of the plastic tub I keep the grit in.  I had accidentally hit it with the snowblower earlier this week and it just broke all to pieces on that corner.  Lo and behold, a little tan egg was sitting in there!  wee  It was smaller than my Silkie eggs but larger than my Sebrights.  Who it could be?  There are about 25 girls out there, so it could have been one of a few who I know had not begun laying last fall.  It is the cutest, purtiest egg, and it was still warm!  love

Those silly, silly pullets.  She has much to learn about finding a soft, warm place to set her bum to lay an egg.

The end.

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